Lebanese American University

LAU Advancement

Annual National Gathering of Alumnae and Alumni

3rd Annual National Gathering of Alumnae and Alumni


 Dear Alumnae and Alumni,

We are delighted to announce the 3rd  Annual National Gathering of Alumnae and Alumni to be held in historic and exciting Washington, DC on the weekend of May 20th – 22nd.   We look forward to this reunion gathering to meet and socialize together at the Dupont Hotel in DC.
Because these gatherings can help our local chapters grow and develop, we hope you’ll join us this time around to meet your fellow-alumni/alumnae, to become a more active member of LAU’s extended family of North America, and to have some “R & R” and fun in Washington!  
Click the link below to download the registration form for the weekend and scroll further down on this page for hotel registration information, and a full schedule for the weekend.
If you have any questions or need further information, don’t hesitate to contact Ed Shiner in his office at 212 870-2578 or on his cell at 917 334-0711 or via email at ed.shiner@lau.edu   
If you are not receiving emails from LAU and would like to, please email your preferred email address to ed.shiner@lau.edu  This will be very helpful to our efforts to expand LAU’s Alumni/ae email base.  
We hope to see some old and new faces in the USA’s Capitol, Washington, DC!
Best regards,
Your National Gathering Committee

Hotel Registration Information:

Dupont Hotel – 1500 New Hampshire Ave  NW at Dupont Circle – Washington, DC  20036

Lodging rate:  $199 – Superior room (single/double)


Call for reservations. 202 483-6000 or 866 534-6835  -  mention Lebanese American  University.




Friday, May 20th

7:00-9:00 PM - Welcome Reception - Dupont Hotel - Fox Hall

Light food and drink

Saturday, May 21st - All events in Fox Hall

8:30-9:15 AM –“Lebanese Breakfast”

9:30-10:30 AM – Presentation I  - “Evaluating our Yalla 2010 Experience”

Presentation and interactive discussion

Coordinator: Hiba Yazbeck

10:45–Noon  -  Presentation II - "The United States and the New Middle East"   

Philippe Nassif, Advance Associate  for the White House and Political Communications at the Center for American Progress


The rest of the day will be free for DC Touring!

7:30 PM - Dinner -  Lebanese Taverna

                                     2641 Connecticut Ave NW

                                     Washington, DC  20008

Sunday, May 22nd

11:00 AM Farewell Brunch -  Fox Hall Ballroom


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