Lebanese American University

Update: Advancement

Affinity Card gives consumers convenient way to support LAU

In addition to annual fund appeals, the comprehensive campaign and events, LAU is intent on finding new ways to keep its community connected while funding new initiatives and scholarships. That has led the university to launch initiatives like the Bench and Seat campaign, which allowed alumni to address LAU’s physical needs while putting their names on a piece of their school’s history.

bob-lau-cardL.jpgLAU also offers a way for alumni and staff to give back through a unique effort in conjunction with the Bank of Beirut. Members of the LAU community who live in Lebanon and need a credit card can apply for the LAU affinity Visa card, which offers all of the benefits of a modern credit card while allowing cardholders to give back. Every time a cardholder makes a transaction using the card, the Bank of Beirut makes a contribution to the university. The card’s features and convenience have convinced over 2,000 alumni to become cardholders.
Alumni aren’t the only people who can use the card: the university’s offices also hold affinity cards to deal with the expenses of running their offices and advancing the university’s case. Staff members, offices and consumers together have raised $70,000 since the program began.  As a result, staff members and the alumni of LAU are giving back to their community.
Now you can shop and give back at the same time!

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