Lebanese American University

Update: Advancement

LAU Alumni Association has you covered

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In its efforts to service its alumni and to strengthen its alumni network throughout the Middle East the Alumni Relations Office is setting up a group medical insurance plan specifically for LAU alumni and their dependents with advanced benefits and lower premiums. This is the first time that a university alumni group has set up such a plan in the Middle East and so far it has proven attractive to alumni based on a survey conducted by the office in 2010. 

In consultation with Dr. Cedar Mansour, Vice President and General Counsel for LAU, the Alumni Relations Office has conducted extensive meetings with the contracted insurance company to draft plans with maximum benefits to the alumni group. At this stage, two plans have been most recently presented by the insurance company and are still under study, one with open coverage and another with coverage exclusively at LAU’s University Medical Center Rizk Hospital (UMCRH).

As an added feature of the plan a certain percentage of the premiums will be donated to a special scholarship fund at LAU. 
As soon as the technical and legal details are resolved and the agreement is reached with the insurance company, the legal aspects of the agreement will be worked out and the plan will be in place.
“We are very excited about being able to offer this new insurance plan to our alumni,” Director of Alumni Relations Abdallah Al-Khal said. “Not only do we think that it will be very beneficial to those alumni who participate but it will also offer the university another great opportunity to continue building a strong relationship with our alumni and to let them know that LAU is here for them.”
The plan is expected to be launched in early January 2012.

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