Lebanese American University

Update: Advancement

Fundraising for the 21st Century: LAU and e-giving

In the not-too-distant past people who donated their money tended to do so in response a solicitation through the mail, on the phone or in person. Even with the proliferation of the World Wide Web over the past fifteen years, email solicitations and online donations are a relatively new phenomenon. In recent years, however, all that has changed and LAU has made enormous strides with its own “e-giving” initiatives, hanks to the extensive work of the Advancement Services office and other members of the university’s community.

The process of building up the online giving program began with a rigorous effort to increase the number of email addresses in LAU’s database. Over the past five years the Advancement Services team, with the assistance of the Alumni and Development teams, has tripled the number of usable email addresses.

With over 15,500 email addresses at its disposal, LAU has recently launched an online giving initiative as a way to encourage donors to make easy and secure donations online. Thanks to the assistance of the web team and the IT department, LAU’s websites now provide potential donors with the ability to safely and securely donate online, through the popular PayPal service. The Advancement Services team is able to monitor and follow up on any online donations.

Now that the system is securely in place, the next phase of LAU’s online giving initiative is underway. LAU will begin promoting the online giving option to the university’s constituency through its various communications tools such as the campaign newsletter, LAU Magazine and other venues. Thanks to the LAU community’s use of new technologies, the e-giving campaign is set to become an integral part of LAU’s professional fundraising effort, reaching more constituents in new ways.

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