Lebanese American University

Update: Advancement

LAU Magazine takes a bold, fresh new approach

If you’ve come across one of the latest issues of LAU Magazine recently you’ve probably noticed some changes. As soon as a reader flips past the glossy cover, the magazine opens up with timely and intriguing stories about subjects that can relate to alumni, students and friends of the university alike.

Magazine 2009
A recent cover of LAU Magazine in 2009.

The renewed focus on these stories is part of a new thematic approach, and a commitment to appeal to a general audience. LAU Magazine now says more about the critical issues facing Lebanon and the region, like politics in Lebanon, the condition of the family in a rapidly changing world and the effects of the financial crisis on countries and citizens. The new outlook of the magazine also helps LAU show the strength of its faculty and schools to readers, giving them the opportunity to collaborate and comment on the stories and issues of the day. The magazine has also given faculty members the chance to show their work on the issues, like the efforts of Dima Dabbous-Sensenig and the Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World to help Lebanese women win stronger rights in marital and family affairs.

The new focus on the magazine has not gone unnoticed by the readership. The writers and editors of LAU Magazine have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from alumni and staff alike. One reader said the magazine is "well presented and so meticulously designed," and said everyone deserved credit for a "job well done."

Of course, LAU Magazine will continue to serve as the bulletin board for alumni to connect to each other and the world. Each issue includes pages worth of good news from alumni; readers can find out about their friends’ new jobs, moves and marriages, and can write to the editors of the magazine. Faculty members, staff members, vital donors and Board members are also given their say, with the magazine’s staff showcasing their accomplishments as well as their commitment to LAU.

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