LAU strengthens its voice online with social media
This year, LAU has entered into the brave new world of social media. Over the past few months Advancement Communications Manager Greg Houle, along with Jessica DePalo, Joanna Helou and David Pengel, have coordinated the creation and launch of a social media program designed to distribute news and information related to the university to the wider world.
With the assistance of Tisha Creative, a marketing firm based in New Jersey, LAU-branded Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and MySpace sites have been created as a conduit for disseminating English language news and information about the university, while connecting to constituents. LAU can now share information about the school and about Lebanon directly with connected and interested people around the world, while using the collective power of social media to find and connect with more potential constituents.

Richard Rumsey with Advancement Communications Manager Greg Houle (r)
Traditional media has been in a period of great flux in recent years. Newspapers and magazines have faced sharp declines in circulation worldwide and many organizations have begun to turn some of their attention toward connecting directly to people through social media as a way of getting their message out. LAU can now fully take advantage of this trend thanks to this new social media program, as well as through NetCommunity, a service used by the alumni office to connect members of its alumni community.
The wide popularity of the new sites, as well as their potential, have already been noticed by members of the LAU community. “Given the numerous technological advances and newer methods of effective communication, this is something that the university community has been hungry to have for some time now.” Said Dr. Tarek Na’was, the dean of students on the Beirut campus who quickly became a fan of the Facebook page. “To have a place where people can receive dependable regular updates about LAU, connect and learn about what the university is doing is a very positive and necessary.”
In this issue:
- Connectivity:
Event Season: LAU takes its message on the road - Fundraising:
North America’s new gala - Talent Spotlight:
The Alumni Relations Office
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