Lebanese American University

Update: Advancement

The Blessing of Serving Others

 As some of you may know I spent a week last month with a group of men from my church building a home for a family in a disadvantaged region of Mexico. It was one of the most moving and rewarding experiences of my life.

As Dr. Jabbra noted in his recent lecture on campus, serving others provides us with more spiritual, psychological and financial benefit than pretty much anything else around. After my experience in Mexico, Dr. Jabbra, I couldn’t agree more!
Building a home for this family with these eleven other guys in primitive conditions and in sometimes bitter cold (who knew temperatures could get so low in Mexico?) was a challenge. It was both a physically and emotionally exhausting experience, yet I have rarely felt so spiritually uplifted or satisfied by an accomplishment.  

As somebody who has made a career in the world of philanthropy I believe strongly in the notion of putting your money where your mouth is. Still, like a lot of people, I don’t think enough about giving beyond just writing a check. I was grateful for this experience in Mexico because it allowed me to connect in so many new and different ways—to the family we were helping, to my fellow volunteers. It was a shared experience that none of us will soon forget. 

Best wishes,

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