Lebanese American University

Update: Advancement

Telling our story to the world

This year LAU implemented a revamped visual identity and brand attributes to serve as the centerpiece for campus communications in the years to come – one of the major requirements of the university’s Strategic Plan.

outreach1.JPGAdditionally LAU’s web presence has been continuously expanded and improved and the university has built its social media program from the ground up, providing nearly 30,000 connections from over two dozen nations from around the world with a communication portal that provides interactive, dynamic content like live chats and video using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.Thumbnail image for FB.JPG

The award-winning LAU Magazine continues to provide tens of thousands of people with in-depth and informative news and information about the university’s global community.

LAU Mag.bmpMeanwhile LAU’s public relations team continues to garner strong attention for the university, not only within Lebanon and throughout the Middle East, but around the world as well.  With feature articles as well as television and radio interviews related to LAU in dozens of media outlets in Lebanon, the Middle East, Europe and the United States.

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