Lebanese American University

Update: Advancement

A minute with…Kate Baldwin

Kate.jpgWhat is your job at LAU?

I am the Development Associate at the front desk in the New York Office.


What is it about LAU that interests you the most?

In my interactions with participants, it seems that the SINARC program is truly outstanding in its ability to immerse students in both language and culture.  It is a tremendous opportunity for students to grow comprehensively and holistically.  I also appreciate the emphasis that LAU places on diversity, as well as opportunities on campus and in the classroom that foster creativity and exploration through the arts.  The Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World is a facet of LAU that I would like to learn more about.


What do you hope to accomplish in the coming year?

As a new employee, I am most looking forward to developing relationships with my colleagues at LAU.  Additionally, I hope to better learn the systems and processes associated with the various facets of the New York office so that I can be more efficient in meeting the needs of those departments. 


If you were stuck on a desert island and could have only one piece of music, or one book or one movie for entertainment for the rest of your life what would you choose?

Well, shucks.  This is a tough one- I’m a real bookworm.  I think I would take Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen because I always get lost in her characters.

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